Sunday, March 25, 2012

Surviving Disney World ~ The secret of the lanyard

Disney is for kids. Kids of all ages, sizes, religions, color, creed…blah blah blah. Well my friend the truth about kids is that they need things. Sippy cups, stuffed toys, hats, diapers, change of clothes, snacks, are just some of the gear parents must carry around whenever they’re out and about and when travelling to the House of the Mouse, it’s no different.

Ever lose the kid’s favorite toy? Even if you do find it again, while you frantically search you start to get an ache in your stomach. All sorts of very bad non-kid friendly words bubble up and you must bite them back. You feel like the worse parent in the world, and at that very moment…. You are! Just kidding.

My kids are no different. My sons would launch their sippy cups and a nice passerby would sometimes pick it up for me. Most of the times we as parents notice or hear said projectile as it hits the ground or wall. Ever have that puppy actually hit someone? Yeah.. I think I’m, still apologizing to some people for it. My friend… I have your solution.

The lanyard. 

Disney and Wal-Mart have tons of them. Pin ones, water bottle ones, ID holders, ones that go around your neck, your hip, clip to your belt, I think you get the idea. Leash that sippy cup of stuffed toy to one. The water bottle ones are my favorite and most universal. Slide it over the item, tighten it and loop it over the stroller or through the belt. If you do it right, the sippy/bottle won’t even hit the ground if the kid tosses it or drops it because Mickey Mouse has magically appeared.

Get a few and pack them in the stroller or a bag. You won’t have to worry about finding it again. 

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