Whether you’re a “gas and go” guest, or prefer to “meander”
a bit there’s fun to be had at Walt Disney World for everyone, but you have to
get your mind right first. Prepare yourself for the worst in people, and be
enchanted when you see the best in people.
Nearly everyone in the park is after the same things you
are. They want to get on the rides. They want their family to have a good time.
They want to sit when they’re tired, see the shows and parades in acceptable
comfort. They want their time with the characters. They want to eat and drink,
cool off when they’re hot, and stay out of the rain if it occurs. Keeping that
in mind, and knowing that humans tend to be selfish, you can keep your wits
about you when others are losing theirs.
If you are trying to ride every ride in under two hours, let
me stop you now. There are ways to plan this and there are many, many, tedious
and complicated schemes to accomplish this goal which require timing, rushing,
aggressive moving through the parks, and did I mention rushing? Maybe you’re the kind of person who loves the
deadline. You love the urgency, the
desperation, and the thrill of chasing a goal throwing everything to the wind.
Fine, there’s plenty of others in the park, as I have said, just like you
running their own schemes. If paying a lot of money to have an aneurism is a
vacation for you, have a blast. Have a magical day. I tell you that now because
you won’t have time to hear anyone say it to you in the park.
There’s going to be lines. For food, for rides, for
characters, for restrooms, sometimes there are even lines to stand in other lines.
Wear some comfy clothes and shoes and just get ready to take it all in. Disney
has perfected the art of giving you something to do while you wait. Some places
have street shows like Hollywood Studios. Some places have interactive lines
like the Haunted Mansion. So interesting things to read or look at and some
have those people losing their mind because they had a hitch to their “ride-in-under
two hours” scheme.

If you’re going to pay thousands of dollars just to yell at
the kids or argue with the spouse, you’ve got more disposable income than I do.
Make sure you eat and drink when you have to. Even if you have kids, get
yourself right before them, because your mood will decide the memories you
bring home. Do you want “Dad was so mad at…” or “Mom cried because” to head the
conversation your kids have in relaying the story to others? Of course not.
Make sure you are comfortable. If your feet hurt, rest. The Princesses aren’t
going anywhere…and if they do…they’ll be back.
You’re going to find out the food in the quick services
pretty much all tastes the same. A pizza at Pizzafari is the same pizza at
Pizza Planet. Someone just disagreed with me. Just remember,
this is the Regular Guy talking. I’m not selling you anything or trying to
convince you I’m the final word. I’m the guy with an annual pass who has eaten
it enough times to know. Hot dogs at Casey’s are the same as the Launch Pad,
they just have other options available, tastes the same. Don’t believe me, ask
your kids.
Want variety? Find the local Wal-Mart and get some cold cuts,
take a small cooler and snack. Grapes from the fruit stand taste the same as
those with the kid’s meal. Take water which is $4.00 a case, or pay $4.00 a
bottle in the park. Don’t like water, get some of the squirting drink
supplements like Mio or the Kool-Aid packets. All very convenient and portable
and will break up the “blah” water feeling when you’re on your forth bottle.
Your kids like the moving light, chemlite necklaces? Buy
them online and take them into the park. Pack everything in a nice clear
backpack. Security will love you for it. Yes, if you bring a bag into the park,
they’re going to search through it, and they will ask you to move stuff around
to see the bottom of the bag, so be prepared.
Fanny packs, back packs, camera cases, every zipper and pocket must be
Bringing a stroller, keep an eye on the entry gates. The
ones with a large space between ticket machines have gates. You’re going to
have to push the stroller through it, so get in the line near them so that
others can use the non-gated and vice-versa. Once your past security and the
gates, take a minute (off to the side) to put everything back into order in
your bags and stroller. Take a deep breath and take it all in. You’re here! You’re
a kid again. Your kids are going to squeal with delight when you walk through
the small tunnel into the park. You’re about to be blown away.
Don’t be afraid to stare at things. I know you want to ride
Test Track really bad, but there’s going to be a line. Even the fast pass has a
line. The parks are crowded. The people are hungry, moody, rushed, tired, hot,
maybe one just got cut off by a person in a battery-operated cart. Someone just
lost their ticket. Someone forgot their jacket or umbrella. This is someone’s
first trip. This is someone’s last day in the park and they’re sad. Those
people have come from another country and feel overwhelmed, strangers, and
maybe they’re just a little scared.
That lady over there comes here every week, has a child who
works here, and she’s coming 50 more times before Christmas. That man is here
with his kids and it’s the first trip since his wife died. I’m not saying you
have to care, but just understand everyone is here for basically the same
reason you are. They love it, want to see it, want to have fun, paid a lot of
money, and maybe just a little overwhelmed too… just like you.
Just get your head right. I’ll be posting some tips and
tricks, like a lot of other Disney-related sites. Things that work for me, didn’t
work out. Things I’ve done that seemed like good ideas, some worked, some
epically failed. I’ve been there during
cold, warm, hot, rain, sun, crowded and not. I’m not selling anything. I’m not
going to make money because you’re reading this. I like to write. I’m the
Regular Guy.